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Betamethasone good for asthma and hay fever. A study published in the June 2014 issue of journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence suggests that chronic use of metamfetamine (a synthetic form the drug) can cause psychosis. study followed 30 people who'd previously used metamfetamine on two separate occasions. After six months, 21 (53.4%) of these former users showed signs of psychosis, compared with 10 the control group who did not use the drug. researchers concluded that chronic use of amphetamine derivatives may be a risk factor for psychosis. The study was led by Dr. Mark Hepp, chief of the division psychiatry at University of California, San Francisco. Another study in the August 2013 issue of Journal Psychopharmacology reports that people who were using amphetamines frequently before the onset of psychosis also appeared at a higher risk of developing the disorder. People who reported using the drug on more than 5 days per week before the onset of psychosis had a five times higher risk of developing psychosis compared with those who took the drug less than once per week. What are the risks of using amphetamines? Overdose symptoms The symptoms of amphetamine overdose can include hallucinations and delusions. Symptoms can last from several days to a week or longer. where can i buy doxylamine in uk In some cases, the death Canada drug center free shipping code of a person resulting from an amphetamine overdose is reported. How can I prevent amphetamine overdose? While amphetamines are not known to be harmful your mental health, you can reduce their risk of misuse by limiting their use to the maximum allowed by law. Avoid: Having any drugs with a stimulant action Taking amphetamines with other stimulants The use of amphetamines with other illicit drugs such as cocaine. Ways to reduce your risk of overdosing There are a number of ways to reduce the risk of overdose, including: Avoid stimulant-containing cough or cold medicines Follow your doctor's instructions about what and how much you take during a treatment session Avoid stimulant-containing medications if you take medicines to reduce seizures or epilepsy Avoid drinks which make you drowsy, such as coffee or alcohol Keep your blood pressure and heart rate under control If you are prescribed an anticonvulsant, make sure you only take it as directed and do not exceed the recommended dosage Monitor your blood glucose levels closely. Other precautions If you are taking an antidepressant for depression, follow your doctor's instructions If you are taking an antidepressant to treat ADHD, monitor your child's growth. Talk with doctor about the best time to begin treatment If you have had Doxylamine 5mg $37.85 - $0.63 Per pill a heart attack, consult your doctor before increasing intake of amphetamines or other psychoactive drugs that contain sympathomimetics or phenylpropanolamine If you feel that your heart rate is racing, dizzy, or you have chest pains, see your doctor or call 911 immediately Drugs that contain amphetamines can interact with certain other drugs. Never combine stimulant medications with alcohol, tranquilizers, or sleeping pills. Get emergency help immediately if you think that or someone else is having an overdose of amphetamines. Call 911 or your local emergency number.

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